Taxi Bill of Rights

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has consulted extensively with the Metro Vancouver taxi industry and other key stakeholders to develop a Taxi Bill of Rights. The Bill is a statement of principles, outlining expectations of both taxi drivers and passengers. The purpose of the Taxi Bill of Rights is to improve taxi service in Metro Vancouver.

About the Taxi Bill of Rights

In Spring 2007, representatives of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure met with representatives of the Metro Vancouver taxi industry to discuss taxi service quality issues. Extensive consultations were carried out with the taxi industry and other key stakeholders and those discussions led to the Taxi Bill of Rights.

Input was sought from:

  • BC Taxi Association
  • Vancouver Taxi Association
  • Taxi company managers and drivers
  • Numerous groups representing users of taxi services
  • Justice Institute of British Columbia
  • Vancouver International Airport
  • Passenger Transportation Board and Branch, including taxi inspectors
  • Municipalities and municipal enforcement officers
  • Union of British Columbia Municipalities
  • RCMP Traffic Services
  • TransLink
  • BC Transit
  • Tourism Vancouver
A key element of the Taxi Bill of Rights is a passenger’s right to be picked up and transported to their stated destination. This is supported by a new enhanced trip refusal regulation, enabling enforcement officers to ticket taxi drivers $288 per offence. Other provisions, such as a passenger’s right to a courteous driver who provides assistance if requested, are simply service quality matters supported by taxi companies.
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure and the Metro Vancouver taxi industry are committed to ensuring that Vancouver has a world-class taxi industry in place when the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games bring the world to British Columbia in 2010.

As a Taxi Passenger you have the right to

  • Be picked up and transported to your stated destination by any available on duty taxi driver
  • Pay the posted rate by cash, or accepted credit card or TaxiSaver voucher
  • A courteous driver who provides assistance, if requested
  • Travel with an assistance dog or portable mobility aid
  • A taxi that is clean, smoke free and in good repair
  • Direct the route, or expect the most economical route
  • A quiet atmosphere, upon request
  • A detailed receipt, when requested 

As a Taxi Driver you must obey all laws and have the right to refuse to transport a passenger

  • To avoid contravening a law or condition of license
  • To protect your, or any passenger’s, health or safety
  • If the passenger is acting in an offensive manner
  • If the passenger refuses to provide a deposit, if requested
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